Saturday, September 24, 2011


I was watching RENT the other day, actually Ive been watching it several times this week, Be it in Movie format or the stage format on DVD, but thats a whole nother matter.
I was struck by the story of RENT's creator Jonathon Larson. The man poured everything he had into the production, and Im talking hours upon hours, days upon days, years upon years of solid and hard work.
During his composing he also worked in New York as a waiter to pay the bills and spent every off night writing this magnificent play. This story touches so many peoples lives because they can relate. He hit the hard issues such as Homelessness, death, poverty, AIDS, and Homosexuality. He touched on the heart of the matter which is people, and he set it to music.
Now I know some people will hear this, or see the movie or play and say its not for them, but, even they can admit something was struck inside them by the play.

The reason that RENT strikes such a chord with me has to do with Mr. Larson himself, The night before the play was set to debut...He died. Never seeing how huge the play would become, or how his work paid off, his life was over.

Life is short, but the main lesson I walked away with was this:
How much or how passionate are we about what we love? Are we really willing to give it all so that someone will find joy and peace and something that makes them, them?
How did Jonathon Larson really impact people through this project?
Am I willing to do the same?

Music, it resonates within me, its my life, I live for it, and it appears so did Jonathon Larson.
R.I.P Jonathon Larson 1960-1996

Song Lyrics

Greetings faithful Blog readers.... I ahve in my posession several blog posts that need to come up and online. Today I wish to talk about two songs...well choruses and bridges of songs that is. I worte them down because they struck a chord deep within me. I hope as you read them they will strike a chord in you as well.

And If our God is for us,
Then who can stand against us?
And If Our God is with us,
Then who can stand against?...

And a prayer as well as a reminder for us as believers something I wish with all my heart.

Let the glory of your name
be the passion of the Church,
Let the righteousness of God
be the Holy flame that burns,
Let the saving Love of Christ
be the measure of our lives,
We Believe, your All to Us.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Have you ever???

Have you ever had one of those nights were sleep is elusive....?
Im having one right now, I should be tucked up in my bed sleeping soundly, however my body has decided to stay wide awake, so Im here, blogging.

But the question I ask myself is why? Why am I still awake? what has my mind all buzzing? When will this buzz die down?
The answer to all of this is i dont know, I dont know why, but Im here, and Im rambling, but thats okay because everyonce in a while we need a good ramble, just to be annoying, just because we can.

So have you ever had one of those nights? If so, welcome to the sleep deprived nation.

Friday, May 27, 2011

YC 2011

Hear the Sound!
Can you hear it? YC Alberta 2011 has begun with some of the best memories I have ever had.

Mr. Purple: The driving experience to Edmonton was an exciting yet unique experience and I'm so glad I was able to spend it with the friends that I was able to go with. And if I was giving the oppertunity to do it again in 2012, I would do it in a heartbeat. :)

Robyn: From Yc 2010 my expectations were high, i can honestly say that they have already almost been met! The drive in itself was cramped, noisy, and full of obnoxious was one of the best times of my life!!!! The first night was great, the concerts and Judah Smith capped it off beautifully...... I can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Hicksy Stix: the day was great!!!!!!!! i had so much fun on the road up here and fixing the car with Anna was fun. It realy hit me when Judah spoke, he spoke right through all the barricades that i have set to not let anyone in. But on that note i am still dealing with issues that prayer could help. thanks to everyone for coming and i hope to finish the weekend good.

Pinapple/Apple: They say that you learn alot about people by watching them. I disagree, stick em in the vehicle traveling 6 plus hours and you learn how they really work and really think. From there musical choices to the way they interact with their friends. The opening act was high level and high emotion but I think its a great start to what is going to be a great weekend.

Cheerios: So there have already been some bumps and curves to this powerful weekend but with the help and strength of our saviour we were able to come out of it with an awesome outcome. All I know is that God is not finished with us yet! The people are great and are beginning to warm up toward each other and soon we be singing koombyya and giving big bear hugs!

Monday, April 25, 2011

He Is Risen!

He Is risen, he is risen indeed.
Can this be true? I'm not quite believing what I'm hearing, That man died and yet credible witnesses, men and women are claiming he is alive. These were people who went to the tomb and saw with their own eyes the miracle that has occured.

I know he was dead, I put him there on that cross and yet the grave couldn't hold him. Death fears him.
But Why?
If death really fears him and the grave can't or couldn't hold him.
Can it hold me? Can I concur this as well through him?
I believe the answer is a loud and resounding YES!

Through this man, no through this saviour I have been granted freedom.
Freedom to Be, Freedom to Believe, Freedom to Become.

He died so that I wouldn't have to, He died so I could have a brighter future.
Even before I was born my days were laid out for me, And his death allowed the connection to be established. But its not his death I celebrate today. ITS HIS RISING AGAIN.
Its his willingness to keep after us, espescially when we humans would have given up
Who is this man? This Saviour? What is his name?

His name is Christ, Jesus Christ!
Do you know him?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter...what does it really mean?

Today is Good Friday....

Why do we call it that? What is so good about Jesus death on that cross?

Why would someone who was perfect be beaten, scourged, mocked and murdered for people like us? What is this insanity?

Actually to be more correct its the Easter Weekend. and again I ask why would anyone be beaten, mocked, scourged and murdered for Me? Why would God send his son?

For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world may be saved through him. (John 3:17esv)

The story of Easter, the truth of the gospel, the unbelivable yet true account of a man who knowing he was going to suffer did so willingly so that I could be saved, so that I could be free.

But Why?

Every Easter I seem to ask myself the same question and everyyear I get a different answer. This year is no exception. But how do I even begin to explain and share my answer...

I suppose the best place to start at is the beginning of the story.

A few weeks ago a pastor in the States held a Koran burning ceremony and a mock trial. In response to this several people died and the ripples of these actions are yet unknown. My question when I heard this was, What do we do now? How do we recover from this? And many, I mean many people heard where I was at and they either sided with me, or told me to let it go.

I refused and I thought about it long and hard and this is what I came up with, and it does fit witht the whole idea of Easter.

If we are Christ-followers and we are passionate aboutt eh gospel and the message of Christ, Why are we so quick to bury our heads and allow this man to damage the message of the gospel?
Christ came to save the world, he didnt come to hobknob with the rich and the the healthy, He didn't die for nothing, He died for our freedom, becuase we needed a bridge to get back to God.

And okay I'll admit its good to see someone doing something, but it was the wrong something.

But still they idea that a man would sacrifice himself, be beaten scourged mocked and murdered only to rise again three days later, so that we can sow discord and be doormats who refuse to stand up is proposterous.

So I ask again, why did he die? and what are we going to do about it? I for one am done sitting back, I for one Am ready to stand up and be counted amongst the people who stand for teh one who gave his life so that I could live mine.

Now what does Easter mean to you?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A word from the heart

Its strange how life seems to advance and to go forward in such a manner that we as people if not paying attention get left behind. I was reminded of this today as I attended the His Imprint Writers Conference held Saskatoon to encourage writers to keep going. Keep pressing on and pursuing their writing in a world were the word Christian and the name Jesus are to be used. It was an eye opener, A reminder that as life is difficult it is a grand thing to follow God with all your might and as a servant of the Kingdom of the most high God it is our duty to be servants and use every medium available to us to do the job we need to do. The integrity of our writing should reflect the integrity with which we go about our daily lives. How that looks for each of us is something we must discover for ourselves. If I want to live my life as unto the Lord, then I must do so even in my writing. What my writing is going to look like is completly up to God and if it takes me a couple years to get where I need to go, then so be it. But I will do my best. Follow along and see where this takes me. After All you never know till you try....right.